Jo-anny is a Montréal stylist and co-owner of Le Lowkey, a brand-new salon. Jo-anny and fellow co-owner, Sabrina created Le Lowkey to share their passion in an intimate environment they could call home. We caught up with Jo-anny to talk about this exciting time.
Tell us a bit about you and your career! How did you get your start, and what led you to your role as co-owner of Le Lowkey?
My passion for hairstyling started quite young. I have hairstylists in my family and as a kid I would ask them how the colouring process worked, and they would let me practice on training heads. As a teenager, I began to experiment a lot with colour on my own hair, as well as on friends. At 16 years old, when it came time to get my first job, I was hired as an assistant in a hair salon. I did my certificate program at 18 and as soon as I graduated I was hired as a hairstylist. Opening a salon wasn’t really in my initial plan, but after investing 6 years in other companies I decided it was time to invest in me!
Tell us about Le Lowkey!
Sabrina and I opened Le Lowkey on a bit of a whim! The people around us believed in the idea before we did. With their support, we went for it and Le Lowkey was born! Le Lowkey is a perfect mix of impulse and a fully developed mature idea that will continue to evolve with us; reflecting who we are and the style we embrace.
How long have you been working with Great Lengths; what was your inspiration to join the GL network?
I started working with Great Lengths about 2 years ago. My bosses at the time wanted someone to do extensions at the salon. I was already familiar with the different extension techniques and felt passionate about this aspect of the job, so I completed the Great Lengths training and fell in love. I love Great Lengths; the company, the quality of the extensions and the natural effect they provide.
How long have you been working with Great Lengths; what was your inspiration to join the GL network?
I’ve been working with Great Lengths for about 4 years now. I fell in love with the product and the extraordinarily natural results I was able to achieve with them. I love that with Great Lengths you can always match hair’s natural texture. You can never tell that my clients have extensions when they leave my chair!
What impact has being a Great Lengths Artist had on you and your business?
It has been a great opportunity, both for the salon and for me individually. Great Lengths offers the guaranteed quality that customers are looking for. When they search "best hair extensions in Montreal," Great Lengths is the result. Because I’m a Great Lengths Certified stylist my name is attached to that. This allows me to do what I’m passionate about while providing quality results for my clients.
What do you love about Great Lengths?
I love the customer service, the quality of the extensions and the vast selection of colours. But I especially love the transparency about the origin of the hair and the whole manufacturing process.
What is your personal favourite hair trend right now? Why do you love it?
My favourite trend right now is gold and warm tones! I have a large blonde clientele, and I find these tones bring a natural luminosity to the hair and a shine that could be easily lost in ashy tones.

What are your predictions for the top 5 hair trends for Summer 2019?
My predictions for this summer’s hair trends are honey blonde (definitely), long bangs, and accessories will no doubt continue to steal the show! Working with the right products to enhance natural textures, and adopting more natural colours will be in as well.
Do you have a style icon? Or a hair hero?
I have always loved the styles of Lily Collins, Zendaya and Gigi Hadid. They inspire me regularly!
If you could pick a celebrity, a public figure, anyone- whose hair would you love to work on?
If I could style anybody it would be Beyoncé, without a doubt. Her colour and her extensions are perfect.
Who, or what, do you look to for inspiration?
My clients inspire me a lot! I am also inspired by the many incredible hair stylists that I meet and follow on social media.
Le Lowkey’s Instagram launched with a number of creative photoshoots. Tell us about these. What was the inspiration behind doing so? Is this something you’ll continue to do as the salon grows? What is this process like?
Sabrina and I organized one big photo shoot with the theme of "through the years." For the shoot we created different looks inspired from the 70’s to the 2000’s, all with a modern spin. To bring it to life, we collaborated with people who inspire us and who represent us and our salon. We hope to do a new, uniquely inspired photoshoot with each new season. We already have our next photo project planned! Our creative process for our shoots is loose; inspiration stems from the season and what surrounds us. What we would like to do for our next photo shoot is going to be very different. I have a very precise idea of what I'm looking for!

What advice would you offer newly certified stylists to best take advantage of their GL skillset?
The best advice I can give a new Great Lengths stylist would be simply: have fun! Take your time and always take before and after pictures! Do not be afraid to fuse colours for a more natural look. Most importantly, perfect the cut, take your time and look at the result in a ponytail. This is my trick to see where the hair is lacking a proper blend.
Do you have any Great Lengths do's and don’ts?
DO: See all the different colours in your client’s hair, be sure to use all the tones needed to have the perfect match. Keep your sections clean and always have a plan before you start the application!
DON’T: Do not put too many hair extensions at the back or position them too low or too high. Never try to please a client in terms of price, by using fewer bundles than what you would suggest. You’re a professional so if she needs three bundles minimum, don’t compromise to do just two… it will not be pretty!
What personality traits do you feel are most beneficial to your success?
I think my artistic side and my beliefs have helped me get where I am today. I also think it’s very important that a hairstylist is a good listener, has the ability to be honest with clients and the desire to learn and excel; traits I am happy to have.
What is your favourite part of being a stylist?
My favourite part of being a stylist is having the power to transform someone's life in my own way. I love to have that impact. I also enjoy being a confidante and making people feel comfortable.
Do you have a favourite mantra, a quote or a saying you like to keep in mind?
I like to say that everything happens for a reason and take nothing for granted. (especially customers!)
What are your goals and aspirations in the first year of Le Lowkey?
In Le Lowkey’s first year, I’d like to learn how to manage a salon and my new schedule, and do it well! I’d like Le Lowkey to be a go-to spot for hair in Montreal and Quebec. Most importantly, I want to continue to make my clients happy and give them the best service possible.