Hillary Jocson: my voice is Real Beauty

Nov 22, 2021 11:38:45 AM

Hillary Jocson lives in Milan, the city of fashion, where one of the most popular jobs here is modeling.

Hillary tells us her story of a model “sui generis”. She uses her social media to show the behind-the-scenes of photoshoots she takes part.

She has a message of empowerment for girls who would like to approach fashion but don't even try because they find themselves unsuitable and uninteresting.


As if to say: 'Hey girls, look here, do not be the first judge of yourselves, do not stop for limits that you set yourselves. Just as I became a model, you too should chase your dream.

It won't be easy, of course, but with no challenge, what's the taste?



Watch the interview and discover Hillary Jocson!